Years ago, I went looking for a hobby. A guy I used to date had a Nikon camera that he was not using. It was kind of just sitting on a shelf. He gave me the camera, showed me how to use it and told me to go take pictures. I did. I like taking pictures and I loved the camera. This was years ago, before digital cameras. At the time, I just enjoyed it. I photographed family, trees, flowers, that kind of stuff.
Years later, my daughter’s father had an old camera also. He is a great “flea market” shopper and has a wonderful eye for collectibles. He knew I liked taking photographs, so he gave me a camera. This time a Pentax DSLR. Although both cameras were old models, I cherished them. If I had to buy the Nikon or the Pentax, I would not have been able to afford either. I was a single mom.

This time, I just enjoyed the process. When I owned a film camera, the cost of having the film developed was difficult to afford. The digital camera meant just point and click to my heart’s content.
So, I decided to take photographs of things I liked looking at as I walked through the city. These are things I just found interesting. I sit on benches and relax when I am out on a beautiful day. So, I started taking photographs of benches. I like looking at the statues in the city, so I started photographing that. Then I decided to photograph buildings. Not necessarily the fabulous ones, but the buildings I noticed as I walked around the city.
Then Covid-19 happened. Then the “lock-down” happened so that the world could slow the pandemic. That did not happen. Viruses do not care. Anyway, as we enter this third year of Covid, I am tired of waiting for Omicron (and his viral cousins) to be done with us. Life must go on.
I am looking forward to Spring 2022 and taking photographs. I am an amateur. I have no interest in professional photography. I enjoy looking at wonderful photographs like everyone else. My intention is just to notice what I enjoy and take a picture to remind me. That means flowers, benches, statues, and other things that make being outdoors wonderful, especially in the spring, summer, and fall. I am not a winter person. I am inside when it is cold. Come on spring weather!
bf 2/12/22
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